This is not the most elegant perl by a long shot, It seems to me that the way to do this would be a subroutine that takes a color in hex and stuffs it into a table field, so that I wouldn't have to duplicate the script 8 times.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use CGI qw(:standard);		

print header();				
print start_html(-title=>"Lots of colors",

$how =param("how");			

if ($how eq "yes" ) {
} else {

print end_html();

sub info {

if ($how eq "yes") {
    print ("This is not the most elegant perl by a long shot, It seems to me \
	that the way to do this would be a subroutine that takes a color in hex\
	and stuffs it into a table field, so that I wouldn\'t have to duplicate\
	the script 8 times.<hr>");

    $info = `cat`;		

# these substitutions don't look right because they worked on themselves 
# before you got to see them, but it really doesn't matter as they're 
# just to make the "<" and ">" show up properly and not get interpreted 
# by the browser  as tags.

    $info =~ s/</</g ;	
    $info =~ s/>/>/g ;	

    print pre($info);			# the <PRE> tags
} else {

$info = <<INFO;

Here's a bunch of colors with their descriptions in hex.  
It's not totally useful, as it doesn't let you pick the axis (yet).
click <a href="">here</a> 
to see the perl script that generated this page.
<a href="">Here</a> is another page on 
web browser colors that's really quite useful.

print $info;

}	#end of if

}	#enf of info subroutine


sub colors {

@values = ("00", 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, "a0", "b0", "c0", "d0", "e0", "f0", "ff");


print h2("lots of colors");
print (" Add blue left to right, green top to bottom of each group, add red between groups.");
print ("<table width=100% >\n\n");
print ("\n<tr>");

my $r=0;
while ($r<$values) {
    my $g=0;
    while ($g<$values) {
        my $b=0;
        while ($b<$values) {
	    print ("<td bgcolor=\"#");
            print ($values[$r], $values[$g], $values[$b]);
            print ("\">");
            print ( $values[$r], $values[$g], $values[$b]);
            $b ++
        print ("\n<tr>");
        $g ++;
    $r ++

print ("</table>");

###### this bit is the grayscale part
sub greyscale {

print h3("All 256 pure greys");
print ("<table width=100%>\n\n");
print ("\n<tr>");

@full = ("0", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f");
#@full = ("0", 4, 8, C, F);

my $bn=0;
while ($bn<$full) {
    my $ln=0;
    while ($ln<$full) {
        print ("<td bgcolor=\"#");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print ("\">");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        $ln ++;
    print ("\n<tr>");
    $bn ++;

print ("</table>");

####  red only 
sub red {

print h3("black to white through red");
print ("<table width=100%>\n\n");
print ("\n<tr>");

@full = ("0", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f");
#@full = ("0", 4, 8, c, f);

my $bn=0;
while ($bn<$full) {
    my $ln=0;
    while ($ln<$full) {
        print ("<td bgcolor=\"#");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print ("0000\">");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
	print ("0000");
        $ln ++;
    print ("\n<tr>");
    $bn ++;


####  pink only 
sub pink {

@full = ("0", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f");
#@full = ("0", 4, 8, c, f);

my $bn=0;
while ($bn<$full) {
    my $ln=0;
    while ($ln<$full) {
        print ("<td bgcolor=\"#ff");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print ("\">");
	print ("ff");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        $ln ++;
    print ("\n<tr>");
    $bn ++;

print ("</table>");

####  green only 
sub green {

print h3("black to white through green");
print ("<table width=100%>\n\n");
print ("\n<tr>");

@full = ("0", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f");
#@full = ("0", 4, 8, C, F);

my $bn=0;
while ($bn<$full) {
    my $ln=0;
    while ($ln<$full) {
        print ("<td bgcolor=\"#00");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print ("00\">00");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print ("00");
        $ln ++;
    print ("\n<tr>");
    $bn ++;


####  lightgreen only 
sub lightgreen {

@full = ("0", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f");
#@full = ("0", 4, 8, C, F);

my $bn=0;
while ($bn<$full) {
    my $ln=0;
    while ($ln<$full) {
        print ("<td bgcolor=\"#");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print ("ff");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print ("\">");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print ("ff");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        $ln ++;
    print ("\n<tr>");
    $bn ++;

print ("</table>");

####  lightblue only 
sub lightblue {

@full = ("0", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f");
#@full = ("0", 4, 8, C, F);

my $bn=0;
while ($bn<$full) {
    my $ln=0;
    while ($ln<$full) {
        print ("<td bgcolor=\"#");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print ("ff\">");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
	print ("ff");
        $ln ++;
    print ("\n<tr>");
    $bn ++;


####  blue only 
sub blue {

print h3("black to white through blue");
print ("<table width=100%>\n\n");
print ("\n<tr>");

@full = ("0", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f");
#@full = ("0", 4, 8, C, F);

my $bn=0;
while ($bn<$full) {
    my $ln=0;
    while ($ln<$full) {
        print ("<td bgcolor=\"#0000");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print ("\">0000");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        $ln ++;
    print ("\n<tr>");
    $bn ++;

print ("</table>");

####  yellow only 
sub yellow {

print h3("All 256 \"pure\" yellows");
print ("<table width=100%>\n\n");
print ("\n<tr>");

@full = ("0", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f");
#@full = ("0", 4, 8, C, F);

my $bn=0;
while ($bn<$full) {
    my $ln=0;
    while ($ln<$full) {
        print ("<td bgcolor=\"#");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print ("00\">");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print ("00");
        $ln ++;
    print ("\n<tr>");
    $bn ++;

print ("</table>");

####  cyan only 
sub cyan {

print h3("All 256 \"pure\" cyans");
print ("<table width=100%>\n\n");
print ("\n<tr>");

@full = ("0", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f");
#@full = ("0", 4, 8, C, F);

my $bn=0;
while ($bn<$full) {
    my $ln=0;
    while ($ln<$full) {
        print ("<td bgcolor=\"#00");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print ("\">00");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        $ln ++;
    print ("\n<tr>");
    $bn ++;

print ("</table>");

####  magenta only 
sub magenta {

print h3("All 256 \"pure\" magentas");
print ("<table width=100%>\n\n");
print ("\n<tr>");

@full = ("0", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f");
#@full = ("0", 4, 8, C, F);

my $bn=0;
while ($bn<$full) {
    my $ln=0;
    while ($ln<$full) {
        print ("<td bgcolor=\"#");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
	print ("00");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        print ("\">");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
	print ("00");
        print $full[$bn], $full[$ln] ;
        $ln ++;
    print ("\n<tr>");
    $bn ++;

print ("</table>");